The office is dictated by the Connecticut General Statutes and subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act with respect to record retention and public disclosure
Registrar of Voters Duties:
- Appoint and train Deputy Registrar of Voters and Assistant Registrars as needed to fulfill required duties.
- Process registration and enrollment applications within statutory timeframes.
- Maintain current and accurate voter lists.
- Conduct annual canvass in order to ascertain changes of residence.
- Secure polling places.
- Prepare for elections, primaries and referenda.
- Conduct all elections and voting events.
- Submit an annual report.
- Prepare a department budget.
Office Hours:
Effective February 6th our new office hours will be Tuesdays from 9am-11am; additional hours as needed
Did you know?
There is a difference between Independent and Unaffiliated. The Independent Party is a recognized minor party in the state of Connecticut. Whereas, Unaffiliated means you are not registered in any Party. Not sure if you're registered as Independent or Unaffiliated?? Click here to check your voter registration information.
In Columbia, as of June 28, 2023, there are 4042 registered voters, of which 1229 are registered Democrats and 1074 are registered Republicans. 112 are registered in various minor parties and the remaining 1627 are Unaffiliated.
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